Saturday, August 27, 2005

Radnor Photos

I just uploaded some photos that B's boss took throughout the last year here at Radnor Lake. I thought some of you who have never been to Radnor might like to see what it looks like. For more gorgeous photos (sans baby, hot mama, and hunky dad), you can go to

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Tonight was Open House/Orientation at the Goose's school. As you can see, the theme was yellow. Here he is waving at the camera just like a model.

We got to hang out with his classmates, their parents, and his teacher, Miss Sarah. Unfortunately, Warren, Goose's 30-pound, 10-month old playmate wasn't there. Warren's mom was commenting on how cute Goose's jeans were and I said, "Oh my goodness, they're so old! I think they're a size six months." She replied that she has trouble squeezing Warren's behind into a 2T even though he had "slimmed up" some. Wow.

As soon as we got to his classroom, JEB bolted out of my arms and made a beeline for this gigantic teddy bear. Miss Sarah said that he had played with it all day in class yesterday. Hmmmm ... wonder what's on his birthday wish list besides bigger jeans???

Come to find out, Miss Sarah takes classes at the community college where I teach. She's studying photography. She didn't get around to asking me for my permission to use The Goose as a model although I know it was on the tip of her tongue just before she saw that little Terry (15 months) had shredded an entire box of tissues while all the parents stood around totally OBLIVIOUS and yik yakking about sleep patterns and poop and who's walking. Poor Miss Sarah. Then she had to give her speech about what a joy it was to have us all there (which no one heard because little Terry was SCREAMING bloody murder about the tissue box being taken away), so really, she just didn't have time to ask about the photo shoot. I'm sure she would've though.

Then we went down to the Fellowship Hall (the school is in a church) where there was a smorgasbord of sugar-enhanced snacks and a representative from a financial planning company (not sure how she fits in, because little Terry was STILL screaming and I couldn't hear the program director's speech). Goose and I had some snacks and headed home.

Tomorrow he has to go with me to NSCC to sign my contract and pick up my textbooks. Pray.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

School Boy

Sorry to keep you folks waiting until almost 8:30 p.m. ...

The Goose made it through the day just fine. There was a nap boycott (he was the only one in the class who didn't take one) but otherwise he did great. When I arrived to pick him up (picture me in the car giggling to myself about getting to see him after 4 hours -- I was like a kid in line to ride Space Mountain at Disneyworld) I RAN into the building and down the hall and fumbled with the locked door (aha! put your hand through the opening on the top and open it from the inside) and then there he was sitting there like an angel playing with a pink ball. LOVE a HEART!

He just grinned and grinned and came pounding toward me on all fours. Then he got home, made a few laps around his playroom, and collapsed for 2.5 hours (and so did mom and dad). He did it! Who am I kidding? WE did it! Brian and I both checked in on him throughout the day without him seeing us. But overall I think everyone handled it well.

Yay for us!

Up to the MINUTE coverage ...

This is Mother Goose reporting live in Nashville.

At approximately 9:30 a.m., the Goose went to school and met his four new classmates (3 boys and 1 girl) and his teacher, Miss Sarah. He cried a little, but by the time we had paid the tuition, it was over.

Then The Mom walked around the neighborhood for 30 minutes with cell phone in hand. At approximately 10:15 a.m., The Mom checked back in and the room was dark for nap time. Whimpers were heard, but it appeared that all was going relatively well. Miss Sarah came to the door and inquired about a pacifier. I told her about the blankie/thumb option and she seemed excited about this development.

I'm off to sign a contract to work for the fall semester on Monday/Wednesday nights again. This time I'll be teaching a "Communication Skills" class.

Later in the day I'll post again on the developments of Goose Goes to School Day.

Monday, August 22, 2005


OK, so maybe I've gone just a teensy bit over the edge with my updates. Apparently, B, not J, put the dog in the stroller. Sorry.

I was sitting upstairs just a few minutes ago, watching Goose crawl around destroying things, when I all of a sudden wondered if I was coming across here as a braggart. I mean, all I do is gloat about what all he can do and say. Then I started considering whether or not that was a bad thing. I guess maybe it would be bad if it's actually lies (like yesterday -- even though that was an accident). But I've now convinced myself that it's OK if it's all true. So there we have it: I'm OK afterall. Phew.

While we were at Grammy & Grampy's last week, The Goose didn't say ANYTHING, so likely they already think that I've been stretching the truth a little. Actually, now that I think back, he did say, "BURP" really clearly one day while sitting in his high chair. But no "ball," no "book," no other words except "Bob" and maybe an occasional "da-da-da-da." Let's blame it on the unfamiliar surroundings and the abundance of new things for which he had no vocabulary. Right.

Earlier today, as we were all three walking along the road by the lake, B and I were discussing which trail to take. I said, "Let's take South Cove."

B said, "Why the hard one?"

I said, "Because of the condition of my butt ... I need to climb it."

B said, "No, we haven't taken the lake trail in so long together, let's do that one."

I said, "OK." (I'm easily persuaded not to climb large hills.)

Just then, a woman passed us wearing some tight, spandex shorts, and Goose said, "BUTT!" really loudly.

I hope she knew he was talking about MY butt, and not HER butt. Oh well.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


I have just uploaded some new pictures of The Goose with his new clothes/shoes from Macy & Grammy. You can view them by clicking the peekaboo picture.

Today I found JEB in the playroom by himself (he left me alone in the kitchen and crawled into the other room -- so independent!). He had put his stuffed dog in his stroller and was pushing it around. I am not even kidding, people ... that is something three-year olds do! He has also put his ball in the seat and pushed that around the house.

Still no solo walking (only behind things). Not that I'm in a hurry. In my opinion, walking is just asking for more destruction.

His other new discovery is small area rugs. He has figured out that they are not attached to the ground and that he can get underneath them or push them around like a truck or hold them in the air and shake them. This is not good considering I am totally deficient in the area of housework. Actually, "lazy" is a more appropriate word. So now along with all of my other duties, I have been trying to wash all of the rugs. Ugh ... a mom's work is NEVER done.

Tonight I'm all alone because B is out leading a night hike. There was a waiting list for this program! He's a popular guy. He takes the visitors on the trail that goes around the lake and points out various night critters. Also, there was a recent article in the Tennessean about the park, and B's hand was a feature photo. Check it out:

All's well here and we hope the same is true for you. Lots of love to all from The Geese.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Teeth & Feet Update

Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
For those who want to be in the know, keep reading:

The Goose now has EIGHT teeth. And he's not afraid to use them. Anywhere.

Also, he has acquired two new pairs of shoes, thanks to Grammy.

I love this picture ... puts things in perspective.

Actually, I'm super glad that Grammy insisted on getting him some shoes because ... are you ready? ...

The Goose starts school next week (and shoes are required). Yes, yes, he will be doing art projects and learning about science and reading and writing and all of the other things that 12- month olds do so well. Meanwhile, I will be in the car in the parking lot, weeping with cell phone in hand waiting for the call that confirms he cannot live even a minute without his Bob. OR ... maybe I'll just mosey over to the REALLY CLOSE bookstore and eat a bagel and drink some coffee and plan for my fall semester class. OR ... maybe I'll go home and SLEEP. Or maybe ... hmmm ... this is looking better!

Actually, we are very excited for JEB to meet some friends and for mom to have some "off" time. He'll be there from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. A good, slow start for the both of us. In addition, I have volunteered to be a substitute teacher at the school, so I'll be really close and earn a couple extra bucks.

Hope y'all are having a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Johnny Angel ...

Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
The Geese are back from visiting Grammy, Grampy, and Great Grandma in Milwaukee. The Goose was a total angel. He did fantastic on the flights and slept well for naps and at night. Mom and Dad went out for dinner and saw a movie! Yippee!

Clickety click for more pictures of our trip.

Monday, August 15, 2005

11 Months Ago ...

Dear John,

Happy Birthday Buddy! 11 months ago you popped into our lives after two ounces of castor oil, several doses of Pitocin, six hours of contractions, and 45 minutes of 10-second pushes. And then we didn't sleep until just recently.

backwards hat
You are big and wild and even more kissable than ever. I think we would love you even if you weren't a Genius Future Olympian, but of course that isn't even worth writing, because, as everyone knows, you are a Genius Future Olympian.

I love everything about you. I love your teeth and your toenails and your grins and giggles. I even love your tantrums at 1:47 a.m. when it takes all of our combined strength to hold you down on the changing table so that you won't have to sleep in a poopy diaper anymore. I love your repeated attacks on the computer's on/off button and how you crawl furiously down the hall, hands pounding the carpet, laughing hysterically and stopping every few feet to look back and see if I'm chasing you.

Just recently your dad and I made out our wills. It was sad because I kept thinking, "What if something DOES happen to us -- we would miss all of this daily-multiplying love?" But then I thought about the vice versa situation of losing you and I had to just stop what-if'ing. Neither my heart nor my mind will let me go there. So now I try to just focus on the absolute gift of you: the antics, the hugs, the tears, the extraordinary love that plows through me every single day. At night, your dad and I talk about you just before going to sleep. We recount all the funny things you did throughout the day and say prayers of thanksgiving.

When I was a baby, my mama composed a little lullaby that she always sang when I needed it. I sing the same one to you, but I had to change some of the words. It goes like this ...

Bye-ba-bye-bye baby Johnny,
Bye-ba-bye-bye baby boy.
Go to sleepy, mama's baby,
Mommy's little pride and joy.

Mommy loves her baby Goosey,
Mommy loves her Goosey Guy.
Bye-ba-bye-bye baby Johnny

Usually it works to get you to sleep and always it works to remind me of the sweet love between parents and children. The love I never understood until you. The kind of love that is so globally common and yet so individually uncommon. I almost can't believe the world still has so many problems since it's also filled with billions of cases of this love.

When we were in the post office the other day, this little old lady was admiring you and saying, "You're just the sweetest thing in the world, ain't nothin' sweeter." She kept saying it over and over. And then she looked at me and said, "I have no idea why I came in here." That's kinda how my life is now. You ARE the sweetest thing in the world, and I can never remember anything. And I LOVE it.

Happy Almost-A-Year little guy.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Milwaukee Bound

The Geese are flying north for a few days at Grammy and Grampy's house in Wisconsin. There are plans in the making for a night out on the town for mom and dad, movies in the afternoon for mom and dad, long uninterupted afternoon naps for mom and dad, oh yeah, and a trip to the zoo. I think our goals may be just a titch lofty, but we're going anyway. This will be the first time The Goose has been back to Milwaukee since he was 2 weeks old. Hopefully this trip will involve a lot more sleep than I remember from that visit.

We were moving from St. Croix Falls (where Goose was born) to Nashville, but I got sick during the 12-hour-car-ride-that-should've-been-only-six, and ended up staying in Milwaukee to nurse and be nursed while B came down here alone to prepare the house. All I remember is being so sleep deprived that I couldn't tell if the grandfather clock was really chiming or if I was imagining it. Finally I just asked them to please turn off the chimes so that I wouldn't totally lose my mind.

So, yes, I'm sure it will be better than that although everytime we travel I have this nightmare that there will be an all-out sleep boycott and that I will end up in a local mental institution. Sleep is really a good thing. Especially when it's long and uninterrupted.

So wish us a bon voyage and good REM/non-REM patterns and I'll post again when we return on Thursday.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
I have tried everything to get this kid to wear a hat. In the words of Bush the First: NOT GONNA DO IT!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Construction vs. Destruction

This shirt reads, "Interstate 40 Construction Co." Cute, but his dad and I agree that DESTRUCTION is more appropriate.

The Goose clapped for the first time yesterday but hasn't repeated it yet. It was a silent gesture, prompted by something on a Baby Einstein DVD. There's a picture of his attempt in my Flickr Photostream.

The name of the game these days is WORD IMITATION. Here are all of the words he has said at least once:

  • DOG
  • BEAR
  • NO
  • POOP
  • NANA (banana)
  • YO (yogurt)

Here are the words he knows (says them when he sees the person/object):

  • Dada
  • Mama/Bob
  • Book
  • Ball
  • Go
  • Up

"Go" is the newest one ... he says this when he's playing with his little walk-behind-it toy. We started saying, "Go Goose Go!" whenever he did it, so now he says "Go!" We also say, "stand up" so that he'll stop walking on his knees and of course he's said "UP" a few times as well. Let's see ... we have mostly nouns, but also a verb and a preposition. Have I used the word "genius" before?

All of this imitation reminds me of a children's song I used to know, "Oh be careful little ears what you hear." I think the adults around here need a new song: "Oh be careful little mouth what you say," because there's an ECHO in the house. Based on frequency of use, and in keeping with the DESTRUCTION theme, the next repeated word will likely be "Uh-oh."

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Cousin Visit!

Yesterday the Schmidts stopped by for a couple hours of play-room romping. Here's The Goose and his 2nd cousins Ellie & Eric. My favorite quotes from the visit:

Ellie: It's yucky when he sucks on my elephant.

Eric: My favorite thing John does is what I like to call, "utter destruction."

More photos are just a click away.

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Court Finds For ...

Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
The Defendant (Northworst Airlines).


But then I got to come home to THIS.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Martian Man

Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
Our first ebay purchase arrived on Saturday: a bike seat and helmet! Even though the helmet was a bit of a distraction, The Goose enjoyed his whirl around Radnor Lake on the bike. He sorta looks like that martian from the Looney Tunes. Click for more, as usual.

Tonight as I was putting him into bed, I said, as I always do ...

Night-night baby Goose.
Mommy loves you VERY much.
Nothing you could ever do would make me stop loving you.
Have sweet and LONG dreams,
and I'll see you when you need me.

And he replied, "Nigh-nigh."

As Aunt Myrtle would say, "Oh, love a heart."

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Bye Bye Aunty Amy

Learning how to clap
Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.

We were sad to see Aunty Amy leave yesterday. Not only is she fun after JEB goes to bed, but she makes a darn good live-in nanny. Click on the picture to see more fun times of the past couple days.

After dropping her off at the airport yesterday, I took JEB to the doctor since he's been coughing a lot at night. Doc thinks it's just a cold, but he'll be reevaluated next Tuesday. The good news was that he weighed in at 19 lbs., 4 oz. and is thus well on his way to our goal: 20 by 12. Then he can face forward in the car and I think we'll all be much happier.

Last night he got up 3 times before 5:30 a.m. and I really thought I would LOSE MY MIND. Wonder what Tom Cruise would suggest? A little exercise at 4:17 a.m.? I finally got him to go back to sleep just before 6 a.m., so hopefully he'll get some rest.

Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate my half birthday, which was two weeks ago (not that it mattered that it was late, I mean really, I didn't even remember that it WAS my half birthday and so I forgot to remind B until it was too late -- y'all don't be too hard on him, he has a lot to put up with and all of that affects his memory). While there we all three had near breakdowns due to The Goose's refusal to go ANYWHERE NEAR the high chair. Here's part of a conversation that could've been overheard at our table:

"Let's just eat and get outta here."

"Why does he do this to us?"

"We can NEVER go out again."

"All I wanna do is just eat my Sonoma-style, shredded chicken fajita-burrito. Why doesn't he understand that?"

Luckily, we aren't dramatic.

And then our waitress came back and started talking to JEB and somehow saved the whole night just by feeding him some babyfood (even though we had been trying that for 15 minutes) and then he discovered my guacamole and all was well ... until the car ride home and then again at 12:42 a.m. and 4:17 a.m. and 5:14 a.m.

Can you bid for patience and sleep on E-bay?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Goose on the Piney

Sacked Out
Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
Aunty Amy is in town (YIPPEE!) and today was a river trip, fun-in-the-sun, scare-away-all-the-wildlife-with-a-screaming-baby kinda day. We went to the Piney River (east of Nashvegas) for a little floatin' and splashin'. There are lots of other pictures, but this one is my favorite because in all the time we've had this Goose (nearly 11 months!), he has NEVER just fallen asleep in my arms in the middle of the day (in the middle of a river!) like this. So I forgave him for scaring away the blue herons and turtles. Actually, there was only one incident ... he really enjoyed the experience for most of the time. There's probably a lot of happy fish in that river because we managed to submerge and ENTIRE box of those really good thin triscuits, which, as everyone knows, fish love.

We're so sad that Aunty Amy has to leave tomorrow. Click on the picture to see more of our day.

Monday, August 01, 2005

In the Matter of Bob vs. NWA ...

Hello, my name is Bob. The Goose has his Ms and Bs mixed up (in selective cases), so recently I have started answering to Bob.

Now ... I'm sure you have been checking this site furiously trying to find out how the court case came out, so here's your answer: NWA sent an attorney (picture briefcase, suit, high heels, and hair pulled back) who asked for a continuance to which Bob the Brilliant agreed. Even as I type, ivy league law schools are getting the news about my phenomenal legal mind and are preparing to offer me positions in their next class. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!?!?

Now we'll all meet back cheerily next week after the defendant has had more time to prepare and Bob has had more time to get nervous and wonder why in the world she is taking on the fourth largest airline in the world in a matter of less than $500. If you're willing to form a pep squad to back me up, I'll be in courtroom 2 at the Metro Courts next Monday at 8:45 a.m.

More importantly, JEB has come down with whatever I had last Saturday and is running a low-grade fever. We're giving him Tylenol and Pedialyte for now but are watching closely. I'll keep you posted.

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...