Saturday, March 20, 2010

File this one under "Things You Think Are Obvious"

Last night as I was tucking him in, this one said, "Rub my head mom; it reminds me of when I was born."

"OK. Do you remember when you were born?"


"Well, I do."

"You do what?"

"I remember your birthday?"

"My birthday?"

"Yeah, the day you were born. I remember."

"Wait a minute ... I was born on my birthday?"


"Yeah. That's how it works."

"So, Emerson (our neighbor) was born on her birthday?"


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To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...