Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Our Apologies to 9-1-1

First of all, before I explain the title, let me just say that this little guy to the left is in school right now, which is where he got this picture taken last week (unbeknownst to us). The proof is 11 x 14 and if you want it then get yourself down to the bank and WIRE US SOME MONEY because we certainly cannot afford the pricey dicey photo packages that were printed on the cutesey slip of paper stuck down in the clear plastic bag with this gem. I think they must've gotten The Most Expensive Photographer In Nashville. He/she will be back in November to make some holiday photos and so we may splurge then even though this is pretty irrestible.

As some of you know, yesterday while I was at work, The Dad of this family coerced The Goose of this family into taking three teensy steps unaided! Then they practiced going DOWN stairs and lo and behold, it worked! Now JEB can not only go UP, but DOWN as well. Additionally, he walked all the way from the playroom into the kitchen holding onto only ONE of The Dad's hands. Wow. And speaking of WOW ... I was reading to him the other day about a little spider who is busy busy busy and we were counting the spider's legs and I said, "Eight legs! WOW!" And then Goose said, "Wow." So let's see, we have nouns (ball, butt, da-da, bob, book), verbs (go, annihilate -- I am not even kidding, he said "annihilate"), conjunctions (OK, so he's really saying "butt" not "but," but it's a homophone people, let me go with it), and now, interjections (wow). WOW!

So ... back to the title ...

This morning, when The Goose awakened at 7 a.m. sharp, I was eager to give him the opportunity to demonstrate his going-down-the-stairs skill. I put him at the top of the stairs and went down a few myself and started coaxing him. He was not interested, however, because he had gotten distracted by the phone which was sitting on the floor (this little distraction is an important detail for later in the story). He played with the phone a few minutes and then I cut him off. I placed him about three stairs from the bottom and he finally did show me and I was thoroughly impressed, of course.

On we go with our morning, busily preparing for school ... Bob's labelling everything and preparing sippy cups, Goose is eating cheerios, Dad is out and about at work, hiking a trail, interpreting wildlife, etc. Then the phone rings. It's the park secretary and she sounds excited: "ARE YOU OK?!?!?! THERE'S A POLICEMAN HERE AT THE OFFICE AND HE SAYS THERE WAS A 9-1-1 HANGUP CALL FROM YOUR HOUSE."

Oopsie. Sorry 'bout that! Just an innocent little accident.


The Dad has heard through the radio that the policeman is there and is SPRINTING down the "No Running Allowed" trail to get home and check on his brood. Maybe we shouldn't play with the phone anymore.

When The Dad showed up a few minutes later, we all laughed about it for a while and then I started thinking, "Why did the policeman go to the park office instead of my house?" Good thing it was not a real call! We'll have to check into this matter.

So that's about all the news from the Dirty Circus Tent. The Goose is still at school right now which is why I have time to write this excruciatingly detailed account of our day. After dropping him off I went and swam some laps in honor of his upcoming birthday ... swimming was pretty much all I did during those last days of pregnancy last year. I guess tomorrow I should take a dose of castor oil just for the sake of nostalgia, since that is how we finally coerced him outta the oven a full NINE DAYS after his due date. Hmmmm, on second thought, maybe not.

Happy Wednesday!

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To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

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