Monday, June 13, 2005

Word Eaters R Us

Goose's new toy
Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
Yesterday I ate lots of words. I took The Prince to our favorite bookstore and let him crawl around for a while. I told him before we went inside that we were NOT buying anything so not to get his hopes up.

This is what he found. He had one in each hand and one in his mouth and was attempting to crawl around while squealing with excitement. So of course I bought it. But he really wanted two or three, and I only bought one, so it's OK right? I mean, I'm not REALLY one of those parents that gives in so easily right?

And anyway I never said that I wouldn't buy him educational things like this. I mean, this is CLEARLY educational ... the tag even said it had won numerous awards in NYC for most unique/creative toy and that p.s. it is virtually indestructible and made of all natural materials.

He needed it, people! Stop judging!

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