Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Prince is on his Throne

June 12, 2005
Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
Today The Prince spent a lot of time on his "throne" where he played with food for hours on end. His favorite finger foods are plain macaroni, pieces of bread, baked potato pieces, beans, sweet potato puffs, and cheerios (we even have a cheerios song -- it's to the tune of "Physical" by Olivia Newton John ... just substitute "cheerios" wherever "physical" is supposed to be).

We had a VERY uneventful day due to the nonstop rain. Somehow I always end up exhausted though and now I can't even think of anything to write.

I did take several pictures and I think my camera is about to die. I have found, though, that if I bang it on the floor a couple times then the automatic shutter clicks open and it almost smiles back at me. So I'm guessing it has something to do with the shutter. Do we have any camera experts in the family? Hmmmm ...

Tomorrow I'm filing the complaint against NWA about the pump. Lookout Matlock, here I come. OK, enough about the extras, I know y'all really just care about the star.

You can see lots of other photos from the past couple days if you click on the photo above. You can even comment on the photos if you want. All of this is free. Can you believe that all of this technology is free and easy and possible? And that I figured it out? And that I'm tired? Can you tell that I'm tired? I'm tired. Goodnight.

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