Sunday, June 05, 2005

A Sunday Afternoon ...

Early June
Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
This picture was taken after The Goose participated in the following activities:

>Reading about shapes
>Practicing soccer
>Training with weights
>Playing the harmonica

He's a very well-rounded child who is interested in many different kinds of activities. Already, preschools are calling and asking if they can get a committment from him. He's waiting to see which one offers the best package deal.

To see more pictures from today, click on the picture of his pre-nap tantrum.

The only other family news is that I'm going to start teaching a writing class on Monday and Wednesday nights at the community college! YAY! B & G already have the nights planned ... pizza, ballgames, wrestling (you know, guy stuff).

Hope everyone is doing well. Drop us a line!

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