Monday, August 13, 2012

This is my 1,000th Post.

Yes, really.  

And in honor of this, I went back and looked at the first few posts (from 2005), when a friend suggested that I get a blog.  She was probably sick of me emailing her long tirades about motherhood.  I wanted to google the word "blog," but first I had to wait for the dial-up internet to connect.

Despite the accomplishment, right now I'm feeling really sad because all of the pictures from the first few years of the blog were linked to Flickr, and I no longer keep my account active, so they're all GONE.  I've printed the first 3 years or so (3/4 paranoia and 1/4 boredom), but somehow this feels like part of my house has burned down.  The part with all the photo albums.

Luckily, I still have the electronic files.  Unluckily, I do not have time to go back and re-upload what has been lost.  Alas.

Here is a link to my first post, picture-less though it may be.

Happy 1,000th!  

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