Monday, May 07, 2012

Recent Grandparent Visits

Last weekend we had a double header baseball game and a piano recital, so all the grandparents came to visit. These are the only pictures of the weekend, which is really not my fault. Jane was supposed to be the photographer, and she got some great shots, but then after the recital her camera came up missing. This is absolutely unheard of, as her cameras are essentially her 5th and 6th grandchildren. It's a mystery. 
Dear Nnny, thank you for being my grama, I hope you have a happy birthday eney way.

I even went so far as to contact the realtor of the piano teacher's next-door neighbor on the off chance that someone, somehow, had found it and given it to him.  Yes, I know.  I should apply for D-i-L of the Year, but I'm too modest and humble.

At any rate, it was a great visit ... I so wish they were all closer.
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To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

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