Thursday, January 19, 2006


Yesterday we woke up to a HUGE DUSTING of snow. HA HA HA. And so all schools were closed including mine and The Goose's and we got to stay home and make snowmen that were so small you needed a microscope to view them. Because seriously, there was so little snow and it warmed up so fast that by noon it was nearly 60 degrees and all signs of precipitation had vanished. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING OR ANYTHING. We still had a blast.

But you know me ...

I forgot to take any pictures of us playing in the snow. So, in lieu thereof, I have put some photos in my Flickr account that document the other parts of our day.

The blurry picture above documents The Goose's new infatuation with a picture of Clementine Cat (my first child). Clementine lives with my parents on account of the fact that Husband is allergic to her and anyway she is perfectly happy there sleeping away on top of the afgan on the couch where there are no ceiling fans. She hates ceiling fans.

I have this fantastic picture of her reclining in my parents' backyard. The frame has the word "Meow" printed on all sides and it was setting on the bookshelf in the living room. On Sunday The Goose discovered this picture and ever since has been carrying it around admiring it and making his Reserved-Only-For-Animals noise, which is sort of like a high-pitched "dah-eee, dah-eee, dah-eee" sound. This sound is used for most small animals including ducks, dogs, cats, songbirds, and mice (not real ones -- in books). Big animals always get a "Moo." Even camels.

Recently he has discovered stars and the moon and points these out in all of his books. He can also identify teddy bears, balls, and bananas. The sponge qualities of his brain are baffling.

Also on our Snow Day we hosted a playdate with McKutie (not her real name) ... a park employee's daughter. She is obsessed with Thomas the Train too, so our train set was a huge hit. Until Buddy Snickums snatched Thomas out of her hands, at which time big crocodile tears came pouring forth and a pitiful little, "I want my Mama" was uttered under the breath. Luckily, The Goose abandoned Thomas relatively quickly, some beans & weanies were served, and the catastrophe was averted.

The Dad came home at 2:30 p.m. and we danced to our new Laurie Berkner CD (thanks Aunt Val & Uncle John!) -- our favorites are "I Really Love to Dance" and the title track, BUZZ BUZZ song ... "Oh Bumblebee, can't you see ... it's just you and me and we go BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ, Buzz buzz buh buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buh buzz!"

We are big into dancing these days. The Go-Gos, The Pretzel Song, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, you name it, we dance to it.

Otherwise we spend our days WORKING, planning the upcoming 5-year anniversary trip, awaiting the arrival of Cornelius The Cousin, and WORKING. Did I mention that I'm working more now?

Well, gotta run and go do some WORK. Y'all take care, and click on the picture above to see some other cute photos of our Snow Day.

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