Thursday, January 05, 2006

Red, Cute, & Blue

Wow. Do y'all see that Snickerdoodle there to your left? Is that not irresistible?

If your answer is "no" then you aren't welcome on this site anymore. It's that simple.

The pictures in this post are phenomenal and of course I must give credit where credit is due: Nana is the photographer of the year.

So far this year has gone well for The Goose. Mostly because just before it started we went to the Northland to visit Nana & Grampy and while there saw Aunty Amy,

Uncky Todd, Cousin Cornelius

Cousin Cornelius(who, at the time, was known as Lashondra Delondra Povondra), Great Grandpa B, Great Grandma, Great Uncle Joe, Great Aunt Freddie, Great Uncle John, Great Aunt Val, and cousins Joe & Dan. Whew. And then there were the gifts ...

The car & the teddy:

Car & Teddy

The teddy again and a Baby da Vinci video:

Joe Cool

Thumbs up to that.

But things aren't always that good. Especially when you stand up in the tub and dad swats your butt:

Pouter Man

Don't feel too sorry for him ... this was about ten seconds later:

Smiler Man

Possibly the best part about Nana & Grampy's (besides the people) was the clocks. N & G have clocks in just about every room in their house. The one pictured below has a pendulum and you have to wind it and it chimes on the hour, half hour, and quarter hour and that is serious business.


And then we returned home and just a few days later, Macy & Grandaddy came to visit and brought a Thomas the Tank Starter Set:

The Thomas Starter Set

Look closely at that picture ... do you see the train station? Well, of all things, it has a CLOCK on the front that is the size of my thumb nail. The first day we put it together he stood and pointed at it and said CLOCK twenty-seven times. I kept saying, "No, buddy, it's Thomas the Train," and he kept saying CLOCK and looky there he was right. Mama needs laser eye surgery.

In fact, there have been many, many times in the past couple weeks that I have stood corrected where, indeed, there was a clock that I had previously not noticed. Take, for example, our recent visit to the mall. Of all the visual stimuli in the mall (besides, of course, the egg-sized disco balls at The Limited which were a huge hit), he was most interested in the clocks in the window displays. There were lights and ornaments hanging from the ceiling (apparently the mall follows the liturgical calendar and leaves their decorations up until Epiphany (which is tomorrow, by the way)) but none of that could hold a candle to the clocks.

And even though he cannot yet say "moon," he is hyper-aware of the moon as well. Yesterday he and The Dad were playing outside in broad daylight ... on a partly cloudy day with a really new moon ... and the clouds parted for just a second and he started pointing up hysterically and talking in Goosese about something. Finally, after much deliberation, we decided that it could only be the moon, since there were no planes, birds, or aliens. This happens anytime the moon is up.

Now I'm not trying to push any labels on him, but I recently read that one way to identify gifted children is by their ability to identify tiny details that the normal person would overlook. So maybe he'll be a clockmaker ... or an astronaut!

Hmm ... on second thought, I think I like the idea of clockmaker better. Fewer occupational hazards.

So that's about all from The Geese. I'll leave you with this picture of the three of us:

Christmas 2005

Happy New Year!

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To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...