Thursday, December 08, 2005

One Goose (in heavy rain gear) & 30 Turkeys

Today it rained all day and was cold and windy. But do you think it is humanly possible to keep that boy in the house? (Hint: The answer starts with an "N" and ends with an emphatic "O.") We both got filthy muddy after jumping in every available mud puddle and then we ruined the carpet in the foyer. Hopefully the state can afford to clean our carpet because it is disgusting (and none of it is from The Goose; rather, The Mom and Dad are clutzes and are always either spilling things or tracking in mud).

Today was one of those he's-growing-up-right-in-front-of-my-eyes days when I just want to slow down the clock and soak in all his delicious Gooseness. Let's see, where to start ... his kisses, his ability to retrieve any object as long as I point long and hard enough, his imitation of phone talking ... yes, let's start there.

The Dad and The Goose have this ritual where they pretend the phone is ringing and then The Dad answers and says something like, "HELLO? YEAH? I CAN'T HEAR YA BECAUSE WE'RE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND IT'S REALLY LOUD. CAN YA TALK A LITTLE LOUDER? WHAT? OH, OK, YOU WANNA TALK TO THE FOREMAN? OK, HERE HE IS" and then hands the phone to The Goose. The Goose takes the phone, puts it to his ear, and proceeds to continue YELLING into the receiver in a language we have yet to decode. It is heartstealing.

Now, back to the other stuff ...

The Goose doesn't really say any words consistently other than "bye," "Dah," and "Mama," but occasionally he'll let a few things slip. Like tonight in the bathtub, when Dad walked in and he said, "HEY!" just as clear as day. Or earlier today when we were walking by the lake in the rain and I was saying "DUCK, QUACK QUACK QUACK" one million times in an attempt to get him to say it and he finally DID! He just said, "Duck," like, "Will you please just leave me alone?" Then he said it again and I was like, WOW! He's got it! But then I realized that he was pointing to a red berry on an Asian Bush Honeysuckle plant (an obsession I haven't written about). This plant is non-native and the rangers here are attempting to eradicate it, but still it's everywhere and boy do those tiny little poisonous berries get his attention. So now I think that he thinks that Asian Bush Honeysuckle berries are called ducks. Oh well. I'll do better with my second child.

But before all of that, while he was napping and I was chit-chatting on the phone with Macy, I looked out the window and noticed a few turkeys in my front yard. Then I noticed a few more. Then I started counting them. I was like, "I think there are WHOA! TEN! turkeys in my yard!" and then I went into the playroom and looked out the big picture window and kept counting. And y'all ...

There. Were. 30+. Turkeys. Out. There.

And here's proof:



And The Goose missed it all. He would've had so much fun screaming "Dah-eee, dah-eee, dah-eee," in his high-pitched, reserved-only-for-animals voice. He does that everytime he notices the chickens out back. And speaking of ...

Regrettably, we had to put one of the chickens down. She was about 43% bald and had started walking backwards and banging her beak into the ground. One of the other rangers suggested that she might have some sort of internal parasite, and we just don't have the time or money to be taking chickens to the vet. So, sadly, B put her out of her misery. Now we are in the market for two more because LORDY is it cold and those two poor, scared chickens (they cower now when we go out back) must be FREEZING. We have a heater in their coop, but really we just think it would be better for everyone involved if they had some company. So if know of any available poultry, give us a jingle.

That's about all the news around here. Be looking for The Goose's Christmas card in the mail soon. I got his school pictures back and WOW! I am shocked and appalled that the photography company hasn't called to ask if they can use his picture in their ads. They're that good. But you'll just have to wait ...

Good night!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I forgot to tell you how much I love the rain gear picture. He looks so big, and on a mission.

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...