Sunday, October 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
Well, almost.

I think we're almost there folks. Today I took him to the park and the mulch beneath the playground equipment was too difficult to crawl over, so he was FORCED to walk. It was with much trepidation and reluctance, but he basically proved today that he is capable of walking, though not always willing.

Later tonight, I caught him in the bathroom walking (naked, mind you) to get a ball out in the hallway and so I suspect what we've got is a perfectionist on our hands. It's one of those "I don't want you to see me doing it until I've got it down pat" kinda things. But he's so, so close to just taking off.

And it's so, so cute!

For those of you following his persistent cough, I have spoken to the family expert, Great Uncle Keith the ENT doctor, and he says that it *could* be a matter of dust mites in the mattress, which I got (of course) at my fave consignment store. Gross. Who buys used mattresses?

Well, Me. Forgiveness, people! It's always in order. And here I was thinking that I was doing him a favor by not paying top dollar for a fancy new crib and mattress and instead saving that money for his college fund and now look at what's happened.

So tomorrow he's getting a brand-spanking new mattress with a hypoallergenic cover. Hopefully this will quell the nocturnal coughing spells.

I'm sure there will be more news soon of the "he's really walking now for real all the time" variety, so stay tuned.

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