Monday, March 12, 2012

Celebrating 50 Years of Pacefulness

He's not throwing gang signs.
The boys and I traveled South this past weekend.  It was a little late, but we wanted to help Macy & Grandaddy celebrate the monumental accomplishment of hanging out together for 50 years with only minor fallouts, avoiding spousal (and child) abuse, and continuing to smile and have good humor about everything most things.   

Side note to Brian: These pictures are clear and thorough evidence of how much I need an iphone if only just for the camera.  Grandaddy is positively GLOWING and the dadblame pine trees are BLURRY.  We just can't abide that sort of second-rate photography in this family. 

Love this one (pic) and these four (people)!
So, I had these really grand intentions of writing a long, rambling heartfelt letter (not that I ever actually do that, it was just a wild hair) to my parents thanking them for all the hard work put into raising me over these last 35 years, complimenting them on the sacrifices necessary to maintain a 50-year marital committment, and explaining all the things I have learned from them along the way. 

This just ain't right.  Do y'all see what I'm up against?
And honestly, if it weren't for these two needy runts, I would have.  And I may still though it might be a little late next year.  But just so you know, Mama & Daddy, I have already written my thesis statement, which is this:  The appreciation of parental love is overlooked until one is faced with his/her own parenthood, at which time there is no time/energy to say thank you in an appropriate way.

Hanging on (and out) since February 22, 1962

For better or worse, I have always tried to make y'all proud, to honor my roots, and yet to be my own person (as you taught me).  Brian and I both feel very lucky to have not one but TWO sets of parents who are wonderful examples of long-term committment, love, patience, and -- most importantly -- undying support for each other and us.

Happy belated anniversary Macy & Grandaddy!

1 comment:

Shannon Pace said...

Awe!!!! That is so awesome and they are so darn sweet we just love them too!!! I am glad I have yalls family as my own since mine isn't that fantastic (to put it nicely) and man that pic of the boys looks like they are just about to get into something good! Oh and BRIAN she definitely needs and iphone, seriously, they are FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!!!!! :O)

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...