Wednesday, April 29, 2009


JEB: I was a good listener for Ms. Dee today.

KPB: Really? That's good. What about for Ms. Dorothy?

JEB: Yep. But what did Ms. Dee say?

KPB: I didn't see Ms. Dee after school, so she didn't say anything.

JEB: That's good.

KPB: What's good?

JEB: That she didn't tell you.

KPB: Tell me what?

JEB: Oh. Nothing.

KPB: Well, I think it's better for you to tell me than for me to hear it from her tomorrow, right?

JEB: Well ...

(long silence)

JEB: I showed my butt.

KPB: You pulled down your pants?

JEB: NO! Of course I didn't pull down my pants!

(long silence)

I just stuck it out.

(long silence)

And shook it.

(long silence)

And slapped it. Logan made me do it.


I'll spare you my lecture, but I did find out that he was forced to suffer through double time out and didn't get to play. But don't worry, he didn't want to play anyway. Of course.



Elizabeth said...

OMG. How do you keep a straight face?!

Carrie said...

Hilarious. Nothing wrong with stickin it out and shakin it. He probably learned it from Amy.

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...