Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mid October of his 2nd Year

This one's gonna have to be about the pictures. Not pictures of his first camping trip, mind you. Those would be NONEXISTANT on account of Mama forgot the camera. Does anybody know how Mama is able to get As in school and yet remain a complete idiot in her personal life? Do tell.

Here's the synopsis of that: we went, we saw, we ended up in the back of the car due to a rain and windstorm. We roasted marshmallows in the rain (The Goose's evaluation was: "I like it.") and then at promptly 6:36 p.m., he declared, "Night-night in the tent." And so it was. And other than us waking him up to transfer him from the relatively-dry-but-completely-unsafe-from-falling-limbs tent to the back of one Suzie Q. Subaru, he slept until 7:00 a.m. The same cannot be said for the Mama and the Dad. The Dad slept in the tent but was unable to sleep in the car due to being lodged against the spare tire. The Mom was unable to sleep in the tent but sacked out in the car despite the toddler legs wrapped all around her neck. A good time was had by all.

Do I use that line too much?

Click that picture above to see more pictures that are NOT of the camping trip ... and don't forget to read the comments about the pictures, which often are at least somewhat funny and/or informative.

1 comment:

Kimpossible said...

I stand corrected.

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...