Sunday, July 16, 2006


Dear Goose,

Happy 22 months to you ... only two more to go until you become "terrible" as they say. Hmmm ... new subject!

Like you, everything around here is growing wildly. Maybe it’s in the water … your hair had grown to resemble our madly expanding tomato plants until we decided that you needed a trim. You’re much more clean-cut now. When I look at your pictures from yesterday, it’s like you’re a party-animal frat boy. And today your pictures look more like you’ve decided to attend law school. I’m OK with all of that, but I do miss those curls. However, they were only good on the high humidity days or just after a shampoo. And it’s just not enough to only have good hair days once in a while. A guy has his pride, I know.

maters gone wild

(Note the similarities between the out-of-control maters and the hair -- not surprising since you both drink hose water.)

The most important thing that has happened in this past month is that your language use has doubled, tripled, quadrupled! I am ecstatic about this because (a) I am a grammar dork, (b) you can communicate better, and (c) it is hilarious. First of all, you remember everything ... we can drive into the parking lot of Steinmart and you say, "Meow!" because we bought Mia the Meow there. Once inside, your gaze travels to the boutique section, and you promptly cry, "Cookie!" because once they were having an open house and you chowed some chocolate chip cookies while I tried on job interview shirts. How do you remember that stuff? It can even be the Steinmart on the other side of town (not our usual one), but you still remember and can express what you remember by using language. That's crazy.

Here is a snippet of conversation that you and I had earlier today, just before your naptime:

Setting: Mom & Dad's Bedroom, near the window

G: [pointing toward window] Bee! Bee!

M: [anxiety rising, spheksophobia setting in] WHERE?!?!?!?!!? IS IT IN THE HOUSE OR OUTSIDE? WHERE'S THE BROOM?!?!?

G: [pointing more seriously now] Bee! Bee! Owl.

M: [relieved after a quick once over of the room proves that no wasps have slipped past the duct-taped windows] Do you see a bee outside? Or an owl?

G: [violently pointing now] Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Bee.

M: [thoroughly confused] Can you say it again?

G: [pointing up now] Ish vow.

M: Oh, do you see the clouds?

G: Ish vow. Meow tee-tee.

M: Does Meow need to tee-tee?

G: heh heh heh. Meow. Tee-tee. Uh-oh. No-no-no.

M: [dismayed to find pee on the floor] USE THE POTTY! USE THE POTTY! USE THE POTTY!

See? It's all so clear now.

Another important thing that happened just recently is that Chris arrived! (Note to readers other than The Goose: Chris is a former student of B's from Flagstaff, AZ. He was in 4th grade when B taught him; now he's going into 8th.)

Chris is here!

Apparently you think that Chris is here for the sole purpose of entertaining you, because you live and breathe just to chase him around kicking at his heels. Tomorrow Chris starts the Junior Ranger program, and I hope you won't be too disappointed when he's not around the house all day making you laugh.


Goosey: Are you watching Chris? Are you seeing how he volunteers to do the dishes, says thank you for EVERYTHING, plays hard but knows when to be serious, wipes your mouth so you won't drip yogurt on the floor? Because if you could have some of those qualities when you're 13 then I would be just as proud as I can be.

Not that I'm not already proud of you just the way you are. But sometimes I get worried about raising you. I know that I can never be perfect, but you know I've gotta at least try my hardest. I want so many things for you ... just like every other parent wants for their kid. Except more, I swar. ("Swar" is like "swear," but more intense.)

Happy b-d Snickerdoo.



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