Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things of late ...

  1. Tuesday: The guys made me carrot cake cupcakes for my birthday (note orange batter below).
  2. Wednesday: My 32nd. The best part of the whole day was when Brother, Little Bitty, Husband, and The Goose sang me the birthday song and Little Bitty pointed at me everytime she said, "YOU!"
  3. Last night: We slept approximately 2 hours because of the all the coughing.
  4. Today: Everybody in our house went to the doctor. Brian -- bronchitis; John -- nothing yet, but his ears and lungs are working on something; Kim -- another pre-cancerous spot (thank you, Flagstaff high altitude).
  5. Today, on the way home from the playground, which was a reward for good behavior during my biopsy: John asked me why I don't ever run out of love, and I could honestly answer that I have no idea, given that I haven't really slept in 4 years.
  6. Earlier tonight, during his nebulizer treatment: John became concerned about a scallop in his Jr. National Geographic: Do his eyes look frustrated? Is he able to move? Where's his pearl? How do you think he feels, Mom?
  7. About 6ish p.m.: Bronchitis boy made spaghetti for dinner.
  8. Now: Coughing coming from the kid's room.
  9. Later tonight: More notsleeping.

TGIF tomorrow.

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Melany @ Project Anthologies said...

Hey! I'm so honored that my Brother and Little Bitty were able to be a part of your birthday. THANK YOU so much. They had a great time and I felt good knowing they were with someone I trust and love! Happy Birthday and tell John that that scallop probably is frustrated. He's a scallop.

The Spears Family said...

I need some advice on this reactive airway stuff. Our whole family spent the afternoon cleaning up at a construction site = sheetrock dust EVERYWHERE and Charlie has been hacking up a lung ever since. What should I do Dr. Kim?

Me said...


Bless y'all's hearts...

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...