Friday, January 04, 2008


We came, we vomited, we conquered. That's what I have to say about the holidays of 2007.

And thank goodness we had grandparents around to nurse us all and prevent us from eating way-too-soon-after-you've-barfed Christmas Roast Beast.

Here's a shot of the cousins and an Uncle playing peek-a-boo outside Nanny & Grampy's kitchen window.

The really good pictures are en route from Milwaukee (my camera suffered some neglect due to my bedriddenness). You can see the few shots I did get below:

BJ & AA:

BJ and AA

"My Bruce" -- as John says:


The Cousins get a story.

The cousins get a story

Yep. That's it.

It was a really bad SV/FP (stomach virus and/or food poisoning). If the Mamarazzi (as my loving husband refers to me) is not in full swing, then it's bad. Real bad.

Did I say it was a real bad bug?

Bad. There's been only one other time in my life that I have mis-used the irregular comparative adjective of "bad," and that was when I was in labor and the nurse came to get an update on my contractions. I said: "They're getting worser. Don't tell anybody I said that."

But y'all: That was the worsest bug I've ever had.

Thanks, Jane, for taking care of us and refusing to let us eat. Thanks, Bruce, for going to get Gatorade on Christmas morning. Thanks, Husband, for sharing the toilet with me. I feel like we've strengthened our better/worser bonds.

And thanks to you, reader, for just being YOU. Without YOU, this site wouldn't be possible. (Actually, it would, but who cares what's possible when you no longer have worsest ever stomach bug, right?)


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