1. John. Got an email today from Ms. Lash. She says John has, for the 2nd time, gotten in trouble in the cafeteria. This time, for kissing a girl who, good for her, socked him one. Ms. Lash wrote that they had had a productive discussion of personal space after the incident. I read the email before I went to pick him up, so on the way home, I asked him if anything good or bad had happened at school. Here's what he said: "Yeah! Something good happened. Campbell went on a BIG ship across a HUGE ocean and brought me back this bobble-head turtle." He went on to report that they had made pilgrim and Indian costumes but he had chosen pilgrim because the pilgrims had guns and guns are WAY better than bows and arrows.
2. Sam. Hannah reported this week that Sam had a lovely time at a local independent book seller (which is going out of business!). They went for storytime, and, as Hannah says, Sam was "blessed" because the story was about Kitty Kats. And Lord knows Sam loves him some "Tih-Tats." Last week he saw one in our backyard (it belongs to a neighbor) and said "tih-tats" for 20 solid minutes while feverishly pointing toward the window. Hannah reported that while all the other kids tuned out the Kitty Cat Story, Sam sat for the entire thing, quietly whispering, "Tih Tat," and pointing. All animals are "Tih Tats" to Sam B. All vehicles are "brrrrrnnnnn."
I am sad that all of the above was
reported to me.
The End.
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