Thursday, September 09, 2010

Week 2 of Mopping & Blogging

  Oh me, this week.  How is it that sometimes weeks with a holiday are actually MORE hectic?

We went hiking at Burgess Falls over the long weekend, but I forgot the camera, so you'll just have to imagine how cool the mist was and how close I sat to a snake while nursing the baby on a rock.  Don't have a heart attack, Daddy.  It wasn't poisonous.

After we returned home, John, in a fit of melodramatic boredom, embarked on a huge sorting project involving his 3-year-old shell collection.  The categories were starlingly sophisticated -- vertical-only stripes, grid-line stripes, and smooth tops.  However, now that he has his new Matematicas! at-home workbook, I'm sure there will be less down time. 

I'be been meaning to write about the girl in his class who was Evil for awhile.  For the first few weeks of school, he came home everyday extremely concerned about The Evil Girl.  I kept trying to figure out why he thought someone was evil, so I kept asking, "Why do you think she's evil?"  His answer was always, "Everyone calls her Evil Louise."  So finally I asked, "What does Miss Lash call her?"  Of course his answer was, "Miss Lash calls her Evil Louise too!" 

Eva.  Eva Louise.

Who now goes by "Weezy."

In the world of Sam, sweetness abounds.  I've taken to calling him Samby.  John calls him The Bambo.  Brian uses "Beaner." 

But the poor guy has another ear infection.  I'm starting to worry about the winter.  We're still nursing though I think he would self-wean at anytime.  I'm really trying to encourage it through the cold season, but pumping is such an ordeal. 

My work has been crazy this week, yet I did take several opportunities to smile and make off-color jokes about the slew of unfortunate student names for this semester. 
  1. Dorki (Cuban, wants extra work because she's already finished our entire textbook full of exercises)
  2. Fartun (Somali, sits by Dorki)
  3. Dung (Vietnamese, American name, "Tracy")
  4. Ntshit (Ethiopian, pronounced "Nettashett," but can you imagine the first time I called roll?)
At the end of this horrid week, I had to find time to order some portraits of my Samby for our increasing collection of piled-up, unframed pictures. 

Maybe someday John can help me sort through them.Posted by Picasa
Click here for a slideshow of Our Samby, The Bambo, Beaner, Sambino.


The Spears Family said...

I love you. I always feel like you are my bosom friend when I read these blogs. It makes me sigh happily to know there is another nut in the world besides me. :) But the crazy sorting thing - that's just you all over! (don't worry, I also realize that I use the smiley :) and exclamation points too frequently!)

The Spears Family said...

I love you. I always feel like you are my bosom friend when I read these blogs. It makes me sigh happily to know there is another nut in the world besides me. :) But the crazy sorting thing - that's just you all over! (don't worry, I also realize that I use the smiley :) and exclamation points too frequently!)

Basha's Mama said...

We were at Burgess Falls this weekend (Saturday around 10'ish) too. Great minds think alike. Too bad we didn't run into each other. We could have lunch at the high end restaurants in Smithville (i.e. Pizza Hut).

randasfans said...

Roll CALL, sha boom [sha sha sha boom! Anybody with me?]. I laughed out loud imagining it.

To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...