Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

Originally uploaded by Kimmy Crack Corn.
We had a loverly holiday weekend complete with a grandparent visit and a cookout with the Bird family. To see more pictures, click on the photo of the Paces with Goose and check it all out.

The highlight of the weekend was Goose learning to shake his head NO, a skill taught by his maternal grandfather. Also, he's now turning the pages of his favorite books (Going on a Bear Hunt & The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and lifting the flaps of Where is Baby's Bellybutton?

Also, he has decided to boycott all diaper changes by writhing around screaming and making it nearly impossible for anyone to singlehandedly change him. That's fun.

Oh! I almost forgot ... yesterday, B & I took him to see Madagascar. At first he just stared and stared and then he got really freaked out and nursed for a solid hour. Finally at the end we convinced him to sit up and watch while working on a biter biscuit. I wasn't that impressed with the movie itself, but at least now we know that taking him to the movies is actually do-able.

In other news, I've decided not to take the job with the intensive English program. I am just having too much fun staying home right now. I have my whole life to work and be professional! Plus, it's not really what I want, the community college job is still out there (and that IS what I really want), and right now the Johns Hopkins situation is bearable. Additionally, I have decided that even a PT job would cramp my lifestyle and make it more difficult for us to visit family & friends during the nice weather of the summer (fall will be a better time to start working outside the home again). So there. Decision made.

Don't forget to go back and look at the other photos from this weekend!

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To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th

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