Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday's Attire
I really want to be proud of his individuality, I do. It's just ...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The ABCs of Digression
The Big Man
I have sunk to a new level in disciplinary practice. I've been talking about The Big Man Up North (not to be confused with The Big Man Upstairs -- I've turned to him too, but mostly for my own sake).
You know, The Big Man, right? The one who is all-seeing and all-knowing. It's August, yes, but I've done it out of sheer desperation.
His response: "Mama, if he sees everything I do, then he sees you too. YOU better watch out."
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Happy Birthday G-Diddy!
Additionally, we went to the Farmer's Market, the Adventure Science Center, church, and spent over two hours trying to just get Sunday lunch. Eventful!
We'll see them again on Labor Day. Thanks for coming!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
How Keeping Other People's Children Provides Much Needed Perspective
We watched our friend's foster kids this past weekend. Originally I volunteered to do this because it was B's week off from his grad school program, and I thought we'd be doing this together. However, he spent the day in his classroom, so I was with three kids all day.
And call me crazy, but I really thought it was EASIER than just having one. I know that wouldn't be the case had they stayed for longer, but still, it provided a much-needed change in perspective for me. Contrary to my original fears, I never once felt outnumbered or cornered or out of control. They all followed my instructions and took naps. They also fought over toys, pushed each other, and whined. But somehow it was OK, and I actually, um, are you sitting down?
Normally, I go around asking B things like:
Why does OUR child always stick his fingers in my face?
Why does OUR child always say my name 654 times a day?
Why does OUR child smile at me when he's getting in big trouble?
Now I'm still asking those same questions, but the agent of action is different. Y'all: NEWS FLASH!
All children stick their fingers in my face.
All children say my name 654 times a day given the option.
All children smile when they're getting in big trouble sometimes.
I am a new woman.
Here are some photos of smiling while getting in big trouble at the dinner table:
Click here for more.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
County Fair
Met some friends at the County Fair Friday night. This does not bode well for the teenage years, but so be it.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Cut Offs, Bug Bites, & Toasters
These are a few of my favorite things!
He loves this pair of cut off bluejeans, which I butchered one day out of frustration. He is really into dressing himself, and he puts on the most awful combinations of orange and too-short pants. So I cut these off with my meat scissors a couple weeks ago, and he's probably worn them 5/7 days each week since then.
Those are all mosquito bites on his leg, but thanks to our neighbor's new chainsaw job, we don't have such a bad problem anymore.
And finally, the new addition to our household! Her name is JANE, and only her namesake knows why ...
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
A Giant, Dirty Termite
And his quote of the week:
"The whole world is covered up in grown-ups, and not one of them can spank me."
To my first on his 14th, 15th, and 16th
Dear John, Happy Sweet 16th, sweet boy. You are now taller than me and your dad. You can pick me up. You have a job. You built a motorized b...

Today I got one of the most interesting student-teacher holiday gifts I've ever received: A copy of The Noble Qur'An in the English...
Somehow, for the first time in nearly 7 years, I forgot about this blog. You probably didn't notice, but it's been a few days, and h...
... Dick Cheney serious. Thanks friend , for that comparison. It's the flash on my camera that renders him so stoic. In real life, ...